Gender & Age Discrimination Lawyer
Everyone should be fairly evaluated on their own merits. Unfortunately, this standard is often violated by employers or other entities who discriminate based on age or sex.
Let’s take a closer look at what Californians need to know about age and gender discrimination, and how the law — and the right attorney — can help ensure that victims are treated fairly.
The Facts About Age and Gender Discrimination
Everyone should be fairly evaluated on their own merits. Unfortunately, this standard is often violated by employers or other entities who discriminate based on age or sex.
Let’s take a closer look at what Californians need to know about age and gender discrimination, and how the law — and the right attorney — can help ensure that victims are treated fairly.
The Basics on Age and Gender Discrimination
Discrimination based on age or gender can take many forms, including the following:
- You’re a 60-year-old employee who is terminated because of your age.
- You’re a mid-level female executive passed over for a role in the C suite because of your gender — even though you’re the most qualified candidate.
Such scenarios are expressly outlawed under California’s Family Employment and Health Act, or FEHA. Under the terms of FEHA, nobody over the age of 40 can be discriminated against based on their age. In addition to employees, FEHA also covers job applicants who are older than 40.
In addition to age discrimination, FEHA also offers robust protections for workers who are fired, passed over, demoted, or otherwise unfairly treated due to their gender.
California law also mandates that it’s illegal for employers to pay employees of the opposite gender a different wage or offer a different compensation package for equal work.
The Serious Costs of Discrimination
The implications of age and gender discrimination are vast and deep-rooted. For individuals, it could mean lost opportunities, reduced income, emotional distress, and diminished self-esteem. On a broader scale, it deprives businesses and organizations of a diverse and experienced workforce, potentially hampering innovation and growth.
Yet, the pain doesn’t stop at missed promotions or unfair pay. The stress of being unfairly treated can lead to mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and a sense of alienation. Furthermore, these actions, or sometimes even the fear of these actions, can create a hostile work environment. This can lead to reduced productivity and increased turnover rates as employees might not feel secure or valued in their roles.
The Prevalence of Discrimination Cases in California
It’s worth noting that California, despite its progressive reputation, is not immune to discrimination cases. The state’s Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) frequently receives complaints related to age and gender biases. According to some statistics, age discrimination complaints have been on the rise in recent years, a trend that mirrors the aging workforce. As the Baby Boomer generation continues to remain in or re-enter the workforce, it becomes even more critical for organizations to be vigilant against such biases.
Similarly, gender discrimination remains a pertinent issue. The tech industry, a significant player in California’s economy, has often come under scrutiny for its lack of gender diversity and allegations of discriminatory practices. These challenges underscore the importance of continuous education and training for employers to foster an inclusive work environment.
How Victims Can Take Action
For those who believe they’ve been a victim of age or gender discrimination, there are several courses of action. Initially, it’s essential to document instances of perceived discrimination, gather any supporting evidence, and speak with coworkers who might have witnessed the event or are experiencing similar biases.
Approaching the HR department is often the next logical step. They are supposed to be equipped to handle such complaints, ensuring confidentiality and a thorough investigation. If the internal approach doesn’t yield satisfactory results, one might consider contacting the DFEH to file an official complaint.
How the Right Age and Gender Discrimination Attorney Can Help
Suffering age or gender discrimination is often a traumatic experience. However, an attorney with specific experience in age and gender discrimination cases can help you protect your rights and receive fair compensation.
While the legal landscape is structured to protect the rights of employees, navigating the complexities of discrimination claims can be daunting. This is where an experienced age and gender discrimination lawyer shows real value.
An adept attorney will be able to guide victims through the process, from understanding their rights, gathering evidence, building a strong case, to representing them in court if necessary. Moreover, having a legal expert on one’s side can be empowering, offering reassurance that the victim’s concerns are being taken seriously.
Contact L&B Law Group today to learn more about how we can help you receive everything to which you’re entitled as the result of age or gender discrimination.